I was brought on at NC LIVE specifically to redesign the iconic web portal, which hadn’t changed since its launch in the 90s. We rebuilt the portal from scratch.

Research included testing days at library locations around the state, as well as nearly 10 years worth of web metrics and customer service ticket records. With this wealth of data we were able to create a combination of the tools that customers were used, such as an alphabetical index of resources, as well as a new collection of librarian curated focused content pages.


Some of NC LIVE’s biggest challenges exist in the strict credentials required by the database publishers. With the new portal, were able to create several new options, including one that meshed with logins existing at universities around the state, as well as the ability to login with a library card number.

Traditionally each library had been assigned a password, and users needed to contact their library to get the password. The new solutions allow for much more openness and access to resources.